SINCE 1972  
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Compost! (and more)

NME is now a proud supplier of Soilutions compost! Picked up at our yard or delivered to yours.

Soilutions is a New Mexican producer and supplier of compost, soil, mulch, and other gardening products. Garden Compost and Enriched Planting Mix are always available for pickup at New Mexico Earth's North Valley location. Please call (505-898-1271) to check availability of other Soilutions products. Also call us for delivery prices. For more information, visit the Soilutions website.

Soilutions Compost

Green waste, local manures, and other ingredients composted for at least 12 months. Screened to 1/2." Please call for delivery prices

Picked up: $64/cubic yard
$35/half yard
Enriched Topsoil

Similar to the old Topsoil Blend, but with twice as much compost for added structure. A healthy and sustainable foundation for new garden beds. A 2:1 mix of compost and local sandy loam ensures new plantings are supplied with the soil structure they need for foundational and annual success. Please call for delivery prices.

Picked up: $69/cubic yard
$37/half yard
The following are delivery only. Please call us for delivery prices to your area.
Playground Mulch

Designed for playgrounds and dog runs. Screened to 3/4" and smaller. PlaySoft brand.

Delivery only     
Please call for prices
Wood Mulch

Decorative mulch, blonde color, wood chipped to 2"-1/4."

Delivery only     
Please call for prices
Black and Tan Mulch

A blend of Wood Mulch with darker woody material for a great mottled color.

Delivery only     
Please call for prices
Xeric Potting Soil

Designed for native and native adapted plants. Well drained. Red cinder (3/8"), pumice (5/16"), pecan shells, and Compost

Delivery only     
Please call for prices

Potting Soil #3

Great for small container gardening. Well drained. Pumice (5/16"), composted woody material (1"), sand, and Compost

Delivery only     
Please call for prices

Pecan Shell Mulch

Pieces of red pecan shell, 1" to fine.

Delivery only     
Please call for prices
Forest Floor Mulch

Acts like the thick layers of a forest floor. Contains moisture, and sets up a microbial environment that will slowly release nutrients. Blend of Compost and chipped woody material.

Delivery only     
Please call for prices
Native Mulch

Excellent for paths, windy areas, and slope stabilization. Rustic and long-lasting. Ground woody material, 6" to fine, composted to kill seeds.

Delivery only     
Please call for prices

Custom Blends are available upon request. Please call for prices.



Healthy, happy tree.

(505) 898-1271