SINCE 1972  
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Since our inception in 1972, New Mexico Earth Adobes has grown into one of the largest adobe yards in the world. Our production approaches half a million adobes a year and with the modesty that comes from such back breaking labor, we claim to have made well over 15 million adobes. We have shipped adobes to the Smithsonian, to government research centers, to Electrical Audio Recording Studio and to many other locations.  

We make adobes the old fashion way: a mud mixture carefully poured in a wooden mold; the mold lifted when the blocks are dry enough; then, when ready, the adobes are turned on edge to complete drying.The adobes are then loaded onto trucks bound for the construction site or stored for winter sales when freezing weather precludes adobe block manufacture. Near the summer solstice this process takes about two weeks and grows longer as we leave the apogee of adobe making weather. The procedure is that simple.

Today's adobes consist of screened dirt, water, straw, and usually a small amount of emulsified asphalt for stabilization. Straw was used in earlier times to bind imperfect soils and is now used, along with emulsified aspalt, to make the adobes more weather resistant. New Mexico Earth Adobes produces three types of adobes: the fully stabilized, the semi-stabilized, and an unstabilized block. The fully stabilized adobes are used for exposed exterior adobe walls and where moisture might be a problem. They are the most weather and water resistant. The most popular, the semi-stabilized adobes, are used in most homes and projects. Walls built with semi-stabilized adobes can be left exposed or stuccoed. The unstabilized adobe bricks, which are called 'Naturals', are commonly used for ornos, or outdoor ovens.



(505) 898-1271



The Adobe Yard


Articles (open in PDF):

Stabilization of Adobes page 1

Stabilization of Adobes page 2

Stabilization of Adobes page 3

Stabilization of Adobes page 4